Artificial Intelligence

Nobel Prize for Physics 2024 awarded to John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton for their foundational discoveries and inventions that enable machine learning with Artificial Neural Networks.

Recurrent Neural Network

Developed by Hopfield, the Recurrent Neural Network allows information flow in both directions, where neurons constantly interact with each other. The neurons learn and process information based on Hebbian learning—a concept in neuropsychology that suggests if one neuron repeatedly triggers a second, the connection between the two becomes stronger.

Example: When a node is exposed to large texts, one set in English and another its Tamil translation, it uses Hebbian learning to conclude that “hand” and “kai” are synonymous as they frequently appear together. It stores information once in a low-energy state.

Boltzmann Machine

Built by Hinton, the Boltzmann machine can learn not from instructions, but by being given examples. A trained Boltzmann machine can recognize familiar traits in information it has not previously seen.


Deep Learning

Nodes of an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) are fed with input, and the connections between the nodes allow them to transfer input and output signals to each other. Stacking multiple layers of nodes, with each layer performing a specific task with great attention to detail, creates a machine capable of deep learning.


  • Language translation
  • Driverless cars
  • Improving drug efficiency
  • Weather and natural disaster prediction
  • Facial recognition systems


Google’s DeepMind designed to help scientists develop drugs and target diseases more effectively. In 2020, it predicted the behavior of microscopic proteins.

Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a tool likely to be implemented as an artificial neural network, a collection of nodes capable of processing data and connected similarly to the neurons of animals. It is an important subset of Machine Learning (ML).


  • Preprocessing and character recognition
  • Credit rating
  • Portfolio management
  • Diagnosis of diseases and detection
  • Remote monitoring
  • Health monitoring wearables for the elderly


Ayush Grid is used for efficient, complete, affordable, and high-quality services of traditional medicines through a secure and connected digital system.

Machine Learning

Algorithms that allow computers to learn from examples without being explicitly programmed.


  • Identifying fraudulent transactions
  • Filtering out spam emails
  • Predicting new relationships in data
  • Improving customer experience

Artificial Intelligence

Any technique that enables machines to solve tasks in a way similar to humans.


  • Personalized learning
  • Robotics
  • Cloud computing
  • Big data


  • Chat GPT
  • Uber
  • Siri


  • Internet spread with false photos, videos, and texts
  • AI taking away human jobs
  • Cyberattacks and cyber terrorism
  • Spread of deepfakes


  • Globally: Bletchley Declaration, Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence.
  • India: US-India Artificial Intelligence (USAI), National Artificial Intelligence Portal, National Programme on AI.

Way Forward

  • Establish a separate regulatory body for AI regulation in countries with specific laws.
  • Strengthen cybersecurity.
  • Enhance the skills of personnel.
  • Hire experts for dealing with deepfakes and managing false information.
  • Increase awareness among citizens.


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